I Found Him-Sunrise at OBX
Cotton Boll
I Found Him...Deteriorating House
I Found Him...Squirrel Jumping
I Found Him-Clary Sage
I Found Him...
The farmer that planted these beautiful sunflowers planted them in three different sections. Those in the first section are wilting away; the second (from which this picture was taken) are now in full bloom and standing tall; the third are just now beginning to bloom. This simply is the natural cycle of flowers.
This analogy is used in the Bible to impress upon us the steadfastness of God’s love; that it is not cyclical but stands tall, always. 1 Peter 1:24-25 (NIV) says “All men are like grass, and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever”.
What comfort that provides in these rapidly changing times. Cultures change, views of the world change, worldly views of morals change; but the word of the Lord does not. It remains our lighthouse, our beacon of light, our compass. New norms stand tall for a while but eventually fade, replaced by a new generation of “truths”. Truly, though, there is only one set of truths, which never withers, never falls. The word of the Lord stands tall.
Psalms 103:14-18 (Living Bible) says it well: “For He knows we are but dust, and that our days are few and brief, like grass, like flowers, blown by the wind and gone forever. But the lovingkindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting, to those who reverence Him…”
I Found Him…in a glorious field of sunflowers.
I Found Him-Old Deserted Car
I Found Him-Woodpecker
Pileated woodpeckers feed their nestlings insects, fruits, and nuts; usually by regurgitation. These hungry nestlings cry out and in this case the father responds appropriately.
There are countless people in our communities who also are “crying out”; hungry, sick, depressed, lonely, lost, hopeless, and faithless. Are we, as God’s people, responding appropriately?
Jesus said to the righteous in Matthew 25:35-37 (NIV) “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me”. His puzzled audience asked when they had done this for Him; and Jesus answered (Matthew 25:40) “ …whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me”.
The nestlings in this image were not readily seen. I sat below their nest for a long time before they peeked out and started crying for food. Had a good friend not informed me of their presence, I never would have seen them. I suspect that if we are not intentionally looking, we also will miss opportunities to help those in our communities.
Let’s find those in need and act appropriately; and look at these people not with pity, but as if each one of them is Jesus Himself.
I Found Him…watching hungry woodpeckers cry out.
I Found Him-Dandelion
Sand on Pine Needle
It is probably not a very good image if the photographer has to explain what it is, but I suspect that some explanation is needed here. Look closely to see tiny grains of sand on the tip of a pine needle. Looking from this vantage point allows for a very different perspective.
Consider the magnitude of the words of King David in Psalms 139:17-18: “How precious are your thoughts about me, O god. They cannot be numbered! I cannot even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me”. We cannot truly articulate or conceptualize the love that God has for us; more than ALL of the tiny grains of sand on earth.
Yes, God sees our imperfections, but He still has that many good thoughts about each of us. Why? Because we are His, He created us, and He has plans for us. He continuously works to transform us. His unconditional love is not based on our good works. Through faith, and our desire to please Him, we naturally find ways to serve Him with good deeds and behavior.
So when you see a miniscule grain of sand, consider that to be a sign of God having a good thought of you. Imagine an entire beach. Know that God loves you immeasurably; and that you are never alone.
I Found Him…on a grain of sand at the tip of a fallen pine needle.
I Found Him...Ten Turkey Vultures
I woke to this scene on a cold foggy morning this week; ten turkey vultures, highly visible against the grey sky. My first thought was that I hope that they do not know something that I don’t know and that they were waiting for me. After clearing my head of that thought, I recalled Jesus referring to vultures as He described His return.
Jesus warns His disciples in Matthew 24:4 (NIV) “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ’, and will deceive many”. Jesus continues in verses 27-28 “For as lighting that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather”. Many believe that these verses emphasize that when Jesus returns, it will be obvious—as obvious as these vultures in a tree.
So, be wary of preachers and the like claiming to predict the return of Christ. These folks are vultures. When He returns, you will know; it will be as obvious as lightning in the sky and vultures gathering in a tree. Be aware of the signs of His return, but do not let that distract you from joyfully anticipating it. Act faithfully every day as if Jesus is returning today; and live in total confidence that you are ready.
I Found Him…as vultures boldly perched in a nearby tree.
House in Ruins
Live Oak Tree
A massive Live Oak tree silently endures and thrives, generation after generation. This one, on private property in rural Hyde County, NC, has survived countless hurricanes that ravaged this coastal area and has even lived through a fire. It is estimated to be 475+/- years old.
As impressive as this ancient tree is, it pales in comparison to what Christians have endured (and survived) for more than 2,000 years. Paul instructs a young preacher, Timothy, to endure. He says in 2 Timothy 2: 9-10 (NIV) “This is my gospel for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” He further states in verse 12 “if we endure, we will also reign with Him”.
Just as the root system of this massive tree must be unbelievably strong, so is the foundation that is God. 2 Timothy 2:19 (NIV) “Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm…” What hope Paul gives us! God withstands all problems, issues, hurdles, events; EVERYTHING that we face. His foundation is unbreakable. For us to build on that foundation requires one main ingredient: FAITH. It is through faith in Jesus Christ that we turn away from our worldly focus and indeed live for Him, enduring and thriving forever.
I Found Him…while admiring a gigantic old Oak tree.
I Found Him...Mary
In the small town of Nazareth, an ordinary teenage girl, Mary, was approached by an angel, Gabriel, saying “You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High…” (Luke 1:31-32). Disturbed and troubled, she replied “How will this be since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34 NIV). The angel explained that nothing is impossible with God and that the son will be the Son of God. Mary answered: “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38 NIV).
This ordinary teenager from a tiny village was indeed extraordinary.
First, she understood God’s nature and was able to accept His Grace (“You are highly favored”) even though she knew that she was undeserving. Second, she was extraordinary because she was able to believe the unbelievable. She did not know how or why this virgin conception would occur, she simply had FAITH that it would. Third, Mary was willing to say “Yes” to God. (“May your words to me be fulfilled”).
God sent us a model to emulate-Mary. Will we accept His Grace, His forgiveness, and build a relationship with Him, even though we are undeserving? Will we believe the unbelievable? Will we say YES to God?
The Nike commercial years ago urged us to “Be like Mike”. Instead, we should “Be like Mary”.
I Found Him…admiring a stature of Mary holding the Christ Child.
I Found Him...Antique Barn
I Found Him...Tankard's Chapel
No longer in use, Tankard’s Chapel in Beaufort County, NC is a well-maintained reminder of countless small rural church structures that have closed. Some congregations have moved to newer or bigger facilities, but more have simply died along with their aging membership. Each has its own story, but ultimately these churches lost their relevancy in the community.
Churches today, large and small, rural and urban face huge challenges. Attendance is in decline as generations are moving away from God, or at least from organized religion. Why? Many people much more scholarly and learned than me have tackled this question. One possible answer is that we are focused inwardly on members and the facilities; but not so much on the community. If your church closed today, how would it affect the COMMUNITY? For too many churches the answer is not much or virtually not at all.
When Jesus began to build His “church”, He recruited ordinary men to GO with Him. Matthew 4:19 (NIV) says “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. His evangelistic approach was intended to GO to where the people are; an outwardly focus. He said to “go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19. Imagine churches moving outside of their walls showing the lost, hungry and hurting what the love of Jesus Christ really means to THEM. I suspect that empty pews will be filled as the church becomes relevant.
I Found Him…in a beautiful historic empty church.
I Found Him...Bluebird Home
Just two days after erecting this bird house in the back yard, an eastern bluebird claimed it for his own. Together with his mate, they feverously built a comfortable nest inside in preparation for the soon to be house full of nestlings. They appear to be very happy with their newly found home.
The psalmist in Psalm 84 appears to be envious of the birds who have found a home. Verse 3 (NIV) states “Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young—a place near Your altar, O Lord Almighty, my King and my God”.
Just as this psalmist, we too can learn from the actions of a sparrow, swallow, or a bluebird. The bluebird found a house because he looked for it; and he found a house that was all ready for him and his mate; they simply needed to claim it as their own and add the pine straw to meet their needs. We too have a beautiful home ready for us, a home with Jesus Christ. By claiming Him, through faith, we can make Him our very own. We can find peace, protection, freedom from care and sorrow, and pure joy at the altar of God; by looking for it and accepting Him. “Blessed are those that dwell in Your house…” Psalm 84:4 (NIV).
I Found Him…watching bluebirds claim their home and prepare it as their own.