An eerie fog crept over the creek rendering it virtually unpassable. Boaters simply could not see through the fog to navigate their boats. Buoys, landmarks, and other means of determining a direction were not visible. Potential dangers and obstacles, posing significant risks lurked in the fog.
I suspect that many of us find ourselves stuck in the “fog” from time to time. We cannot see a direction for our lives or understand God’s plan for us. We cannot see obstacles that the devil presents. We are lost!
The Bible has many references to such a state. Luke 15:24 (NIV), for example, referring to the parable of the lost son, says “For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and found…”.
Just as it is dangerous to navigate a boat in the heavy fog, it is also dangerous navigating our lives without direction. What a comfort it is to know that “The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost”. Luke 19:10 (NIV).
Just as God eventually lifted the fog from the creek, so can He lift us out of our personal “fogs”. The prophet Isaiah says it well in Isaiah 48:17 (NIV) “I am the Lord your God…who directs you in the way you should go”. When you find yourself lost, without direction, in a “fog”; look to the Lord for direction. He is waiting for you!
I Found Him…in a dreary fog over the creek.