The puff ball of a common dandelion consists of a large number of fruit called achenes. The disk-like extensions of the seed act like parachutes, allowing the wind to fly them up to five miles before landing.
In this picture, a couple of seeds are breaking away from the puff ball, venturing out on their own. This image invokes several contrasting thoughts; one of which reminds me of the parable of the Lost Sheep. Matthew 18:12 (NIV) “…a man owns a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?”
The “Lost Sheep” in this parable of Jesus refers to believers who have wandered away from God. Although only God knows what is in another’s heart, it is our responsibility to seek out, care for, and encourage those not following Christ. As we find these “seeds that fly away from the puff ball”, God uses us to invite, encourage, and guide them back into a relationship with Him. It is through their repentance and reconciliation with God that they can live for His Glory and reap the joy of God’s love.
And also with you. As you feel yourself straying from God, seek help and comfort from Christians willing to wrap you in God’s love. Accept their invitations, change your direction, and say yes to God.
I Found Him, as a couple of seeds left a dandelion puff ball.