I Found Him...Antique Barn

            This 1920’s antique barn in eastern Beaufort County, NC still proudly stands and remains functional. Its wide planks, a rarity today, serve the building well just as it did almost on…

            This 1920’s antique barn in eastern Beaufort County, NC still proudly stands and remains functional. Its wide planks, a rarity today, serve the building well just as it did almost one hundred years ago. The owner’s grandfather built the barn which now has been repurposed into a gift shop. In addition, the owner hand-makes absolutely beautiful wreaths from materials grown on the property; each one made to order by people who simply have heard about her and her products. Her success is not caused by a glitzy exterior in a mammoth shopping center, but instead by word-of-mouth proclaiming her beautiful work.

            Is this not similar to Jesus’ style of spreading the gospel? Even though He was God Himself walking the earth, He did not build ostentatious cathedrals for people to hear Him preach. He relied on word-of-mouth as He journeyed from town to town proclaiming the radical new thoughts that defined His ministry. He did not even ride into town on big beautiful horses, but instead on the backs of donkeys.   

            He, just like His message, emphasized that it is not the exterior that matters, but what is on the inside, in one’s heart. Jesus says in Matthew 5:8 (NIV) “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God”.

            He calls us to “repurpose” our lives (just like this barn), change what is on the inside, and spread the word to all.

I Found Him…in an unassuming antique barn.