As I held this 7-pound bundle of joy, my first grandchild, a boy, my mind raced. First, “Thank you, thank you, thank you God!” Next, I considered how totally dependent he is; what his life will encounter; how unimaginable technology will be normal; how pure and innocent he is, and how the world will influence him, and how sin will creep into his life. I pondered how his parents could wrap him in a protective shield, realizing of course that that is not possible. I thought about his mom’s sacrifice by providing him breast milk every three hours, and his dad’s willingness to take a turn at 3:00 AM. I lovingly held him literally three hours at a time with excitement, fear, joy, and concern. This helpless, totally dependent child, growing a little every day, is so fortunate to be born into a loving family who cares and will sacrifice for him.
We too are totally dependent, for us, on God; a God that sacrificed for us on the cross. 1Peter 2:2 instructs: “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation”. Without God we flounder. Psalm 62:7 (NIV) teaches: “My salvation and my honor depend on God, He is my mighty rock, my refuge”.
I pray from Psalm 61:7 (NIV) “May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint Your love and faithfulness to protect him”.
I Found Him in the eyes of a beautiful baby boy.