I Found Him-Nova Scotia Coast

What a joy it is to step away from the details of day to day life and look at the world from a different perspective. Breathing the cool air along the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia, viewing this beautiful vista, allowed me to put aside my problems, bur…

What a joy it is to step away from the details of day to day life and look at the world from a different perspective. Breathing the cool air along the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia, viewing this beautiful vista, allowed me to put aside my problems, burdens, and concerns and simply enjoy the moment.

God intends for us to change our perspective, to look to Him rather than ourselves. Daily routines, to-do lists, and schedules often dominate us. Look at the world from a different view and realize that God sees the big picture.

When we are depressed or angry, look to Him

When we are overwhelmed by life’s minutia, look to Him.

When we face new challenges, look to Him.

When we are tempted, look to Him

By changing our perspective and focusing on the big picture-everlasting life through Jesus Christ-joy emerges; and joy will overwhelm our earthly issues.

Paul says in Colossians 3:2 (NIV) “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Look at the world as if you were on the top of a mountain as in this picture. Look to God, change the perspective, consider the big picture. Take comfort from the words in Psalms 138:7 (NIV) “Though I walk in the mist of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out Your hand against the anger of my foes, with Your right hand You save me”.

I Found Him…in the beautiful Nova Scotia coast.