I Found Him...Oregon Inlet Bridge

The 2.4 mile Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, which carries N.C. 12 over Oregon Inlet between Hatteras and Bodie Islands at the NC Outer Banks has long out-lived its designed life span and is being replaced with one that will better withstand its coastal e…

The 2.4 mile Herbert C. Bonner Bridge, which carries N.C. 12 over Oregon Inlet between Hatteras and Bodie Islands at the NC Outer Banks has long out-lived its designed life span and is being replaced with one that will better withstand its coastal environment.

It struck me as I watched the bridge construction, that it was being built from each shore and meeting in the middle. How exact the measurements must be with virtually no tolerance for deviation from the highly engineered plans. There can be no compromising from the plans. Being off only a small inch near the shore would create a huge variance near the center.

We too are faced with opportunities to compromise our Christian beliefs every day. It is certainly easy for us to be “off only an inch”. These small compromises often lead to bigger gaps between us and God. Paul encourages us in Philippians 4:13 (Living Bible) “for I can do everything that God asks with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power”. It is our responsibility to live lives as Jesus desires for us. To do so we must make up our minds how we will live every day. With Christ as our strength and as our blueprint, we can say no to even small compromises, guaranteeing that there will be no gap between us and the Lord when our “bridge” is completed.

I Found Him…in the gap of a beautiful new Oregon Inlet bridge.