I Found Him...Closed Country Store

            As thousands of others, a once vibrant store deteriorates, no longer viable. Why? A simple explanation is that they did not change with the times. For this store, there was not adequ…

            As thousands of others, a once vibrant store deteriorates, no longer viable. Why? A simple explanation is that they did not change with the times. For this store, there was not adequate parking, no gas was offered, and it was too small to offer a wide-enough variety of merchandise to meet the customers’ needs. Sadly, these stores are no longer relevant. They lost touch with the changing needs of their customers.

            Even more sad is that thousands of churches are falling into the same trap. They too are not changing. Their services, missions, classes, etc. are identical to those offered decades ago. Attendance is down and those still attending generally are grandparents. Too many young families do not view the church as important. Even young believers do not relate to most traditional churches. The church, to them, is a relic.

            God, however, is not a relic. He indeed is a living God who has endured forever. It is not that He is irrelevant, but churches fail to make Him real. Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) says: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edge sword…,”. Many churches, however, are not “living and active”; they are old and stale. Bold new Christian leadership (pastors and laity) is drastically needed or churches will soon follow the path of old country stores; and I for one am terrified of what will replace them.

I Found Him…in an abandoned old country store.